Exp- To determine Planck’s Constant by Cs Photocell.
Principle and Working:
Einstein postulated that light consists of a quantum of particles, called photon whose energy E is proportioned to the frequency n, by an equation, E = hn, where h is planck’s constant.
In this experiment, narrow band interference filters are used to select wave length, each filter selects precisely one spectral line from the light of a high pressure mercury lamp. The monochromatic light falls on the cathode of the photocell. A capacitor, connected between cathode and anode of photocell, charged by anode, is used. Electrometer amplifier is used to measure the voltage at capacitor without current.
Cat. No. | Item Name | Qty. |
SE080 | Power Supply 12V AC/DC 5Amp | 1 |
SZ010A | Photocell | 1 |
SW440 | Mercury Light Source | 1 |
SL754 | Convex lens in holder | 1 |
SW752 | Iris Diaphragm | 1 |
R7901A | Set of Color Filters (Indian/Imported) | 1 |
SD003 | Electrometer Amplifier | 1 |
SEB15 | Capacitor, 100 pF , 630 V | 1 |
SEB38 | Push Switch module | 1 |
SE067 | Digital multimeter | 1 |
SL214 | Optical bench | 1 |
SL436 | Transversal Saddle | 1 |
SN203 | Flexible plug lead red (50 cm) | 1 |
SN200 | Flexible plug lead black(50 cm) | 1 |
SN207 | Flexible plug lead Yellow (100 cm) | 1 |
SN206 | Flexible plug lead Yellow (50 cm) | 2 |
SN201 | Flexible plug lead black(100 cm) | 1 |
SN204 | Flexible plug lead Red(100 cm) | 1 |
C4342 | Earthing Lead | 1 |
Available on Request
Four Interference Filters (C0449A) instead of Six Color Fiters (R7901A)